Wednesday 28 April 2010



Tuesday 27 April 2010

Field Performances

Friday 23 April 2010

sports day 2010

Okay, so yesterday we had our sports day for Maktab Sains of 2010. It was held in Balapan Stadium. It started off with aerobics led by Sir Izam, Sir Khairul, Sir Azlan and all the Yr 7 students. Teachers were asked to do the aerobics on the track while the students on the field. After that we were asked to go to our respective sports houses. Then, we watched the march passes by all the houses. Next were field performance. And then we watched the activity took place which were mostly track event. I love the race between teachers. It was really entertaining and I enjoyed watching them. I am sure that the other students too because as the teachers were running, they were all shouting to support them. Overall, I enjoyed every moment of yesterday. The trophy goes to Pahlawan whom collected 39 medals altogether. as for the field performance, the 1st place won by Panglima, followed by Pahlawan, Hulubalang then finally Laksamana. Here are some pictures of the sports day. there are more to come.


Monday 19 April 2010

Maktab Sains' brief history

History of Maktab Sains:

1966 -It began as Sekolah Menengah Melayu Pertama(SMMP) in Brunei Town
1967 -Introduction of the Upper Secondary Level(Form 4)
1969 -School was moved to Jalan Muara and Sixth Form classes started
1971 - 23rd September, officially named Maktab Melayu Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan
- Officially inaugurated by Al-Marhum Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien, 28th Sultan of Brunei
1974 - Implementation of bilingual education poliy and introduced English medium classes
1976 - There were both English and Malay medium classes right up to Form 5
1978 - Initiated concept of instituition providing Science education
- The name of the school changed to Maktab Melayu Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan/Sekolah
- Hostel facilities for both boys and girls were provided for students of High achievers from every corner of the state, irrespective of their socio-economic status
1985 - The status of the school was raised to that of a college to acknowledge the inclusion of the
Sixth Form
- With this the school was renamed Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan
1990 - One of the two colleges in Brunei chosen to launch the scheme of full day schooling
1994 - Maktab Sains to move to a new campus in Kg Rimba, Gadong because the premise in Jalan Muara needed renovation
2005 - 2nd April, Maktab Sains moved back to its old sites after 11 years.
2007 - The college for the first time scheduled Menengah 1 in the afternoon session
2008- Both Year 7 and Menengah 2 were scheduled in the afternoon due to shortage of classrooms
- Year 7 were the first batch to try out the scheme of work for SPN21

This has shown that Maktab Sains has gone through a long way until today. Hope that it stays as the best school in Brunei and produce more high achieving students with potential to support and lead the world in the future.

College's Song

1. Maktab Sains Paduka
Seri Begawan Sultan
Gedung Ilmu Pengetahuan
Lambang Kemajuan Watan
Brunei Darussalam.

2. Di Sini Pelajar bersatu padu,
Dari Desa dan Kota
Membentuk Peribadi,
Mengasuh Fikiran
Berkorban dan Berjaya.

3. Bersinar,
Keseluruh Negara
Maktab Sains Paduka
Begawan Sultan
Gedung Ilmu Pengetahuan
Lambang Kemajuan Watan
Brunei Darussalam.

Di Sini Pelajar Bersatu Padu,
Dari Desa dan Kota
Membentuk Peribadi,
Mengasuh Fikiran,
Berkorban dan Berjaya.

4. Lambang EXCELSIOR,
Mesti Dijaga,
Brunei Maju Jaya.


Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan or Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan science college is a college for 5'A' achievers during PSR (Penilaian Sekolah Rendah)examination and formerly known as PCE(Primary Certificate Of Education). Maktab Sains is currently situated in Simpang 125, Kampong Serusop, Jalan Muara, Brunei Darussalam. The vision of Maktab Sains is "Succesful Education Promising Future" while its mission is to produce capable and high achieving students with potential. Our motto: EXCELSIOR-striving for excellence. It was established in 1969. Our current principle is Dk Sarimah bte Pg Hj Ahmad since 2009 til now. These are some of the college's objectives:

The college believes that each student should be able to:
  • acquire high literacy, numeric and technological competency.
  • perform to their maximum academic potential
  • be a motivated, well-balanced, caring, informed, and worthwhile ctizen.
  • acquire a positive self concept
  • developed skills for meaningful interpersonal relationship
  • realize the physical, moral, spiritual and cultural potential
  • develop problem-solving strategies through creative and lateral thinking skills in and for challenging environment.